There is ample information on the clinical role of biologic factors in fema
le breast cancer: urokinase-type plasminogen activator (uPA), its receptor
uPAR, its inhibitors PAI-1 and PAI-2, cathepsin D and pS2-protein. However
such reports are missing or very rare for male breast cancer. We determined
the cytosolic levels of oestrogen receptor (ER), progesterone receptor (Pg
R), cathepsin D, pS2-protein, uPA, uPAR, PAI-1 and PAI-2 of the primary tum
our tissues from 40 male breast cancer patients. The tumour levels were com
pared with those of 180 matched females and 4114 historic females with brea
st cancer. In male breast tumours the level of PgR was higher, those of uPA
, PAI-1, PAI-2 and cathepsin D lower. The tumour level of ER in men was sim
ilar to those in the matched and postmenopausal women, but much higher than
those in the historic women. Male breast cancer seems to be biologically d
ifferent from female breast cancer. Correlation of the eight cell biologic
factors with disease outcome showed that PAI-1 (p = 0.03) was the only inde
pendent predictive factor for poor prognosis in male breast cancer.