There is still controversy concerning the beneficial aspects of 'dynamic an
algesia' (i.e. pain while coughing or moving) on the reduction of postopera
tive atelectasis. In this study, we tested the hypothesis that thoracic epi
dural analgesia (TEA) prevents these abnormalities as opposed to multimodal
analgesia with Lv. patient controlled analgesia (i.v. PCA) after thoracoto
my. Fifty-four patients undergoing thoracotomy (lung cancer) were randomly
assigned to one of the two groups. Clinical respiratory characteristics, ar
terial blood gas, and pulmonary function tests (forced vital capacity and f
orced expiratory volume in I s) were obtained before surgery and on the nex
t 3 postoperative days. Atelectasis was compared between the two groups by
performing computed tomography (CT) scan of the chest at day 3. Postoperati
ve respiratory function and arterial blood gas values were reduced compared
with preoperative values (mean (SD) FEV1 day 0: 1.1 (0.3) litre; 1.3 (0.4)
litre) but there was no significant difference between groups at any time.
PCA and TEA provided a good level of analgesia at rest (VAS day 0: 21 (15/
100); 8 (9/100)), but TEA was more effective for analgesia during mobilizat
ion (VAS day 0: 52 (3/100); 25 (17/100)). CT scans revealed comparable amou
nts of atelectasis (expressed as a percentage of total lung volume) in the
TEA (7.1 (2.8)%) and in the Lv. PCA group (6.71 (3.2)%). There was no stati
stical difference in the number of patients presenting with at least one at
electasis of various types (lamellar, plate, segmental, lobar).