BACKGROUND. Multiple lesions of intraductal papillary-mutinous tumor of the
pancreas (IPMT) in the same pancreas often are encountered. To elucidate f
ield (multicentric) cancerization and clonality of IPMT, clonal analyses of
IPMT and its precursor lesion of ductal hyperplasia were performed. K-ras
codon 12 mutations and X-chromosome inactivation of human androgen receptor
gene (HUMARA) were investigated.
METHODS. Paraffin embedded tissue samples from the pancreata of 37 patients
who underwent resection for IPMTs were microdissected manually or by laser
capture microdissection. Multiple samples from each surgical specimen were
microdissected representing each IPMT and discrete ductal hyperplasias. DN
A was extracted, and K-ras codon 12 mutations were examined by two-step pol
ymerase chain reaction-restriction fragment length polymorphism (PCR-RFLP).
The mutations were analyzed by direct DNA sequence. The HUMARA locus was d
igested with or without HpaII and HhaI prior to amplification. The HUMARA a
ssay was conducted by fluorescence-labeled PCR-RFLP and was analyzed with s
pecialized software.
RESULTS. All 37 pancreata had at least two lesions of ductal hyperplasia, a
nd 23 of 37 pancreata (62%) had K-ras codon 12 mutations in these precursor
lesions. Of 23 pancreata with mutated K-ras hyperplasia, 15 (65%) had mult
iple, distinct mutations in different lesions of hyperplasia in the same pa
ncreas, suggesting a field defect. Thirty-two of 37 IPMTs (86%) had K-ras c
odon 12 mutations. Among these, 16 IPMTs (50%) had multiple, distinct mutat
ions at K-ras codon 12. The HUMARA assay showed that 12 of 15 IPMTs were in
formative, and 9 were considered polyclonal and/or oligoclonal origin in or
igin. With the combined results of multiple K-ras mutation detection and th
e HUMARA assay, 12 of 15 IPMTs from female patients (80%) were considered p
olyclonal and/or oligoclonal in origin.
CONCLUSIONS. The current results suggest that multiple, distinct K-ras muta
tions of different ductal hyperplasias in a given pancreas are due to afiel
d (multicentric) cancerization effect in IPMTs. Thus, most of IPMTs are pol
yclonal and/or oligoclonal in origin, i.e., IPMTs may originate from multip
le (molecularly distinct) precursor lesions. (C) 2001 American Cancer Socie