Equivalent versions of the Complex Figure Test (CFT) are useful for assessi
ng change over time in constructional skills, planning, spatial organizatio
n, and visual-spatial memory while minimizing practice effects. To address
the need for an equivalent version of the CFT to the Rey, the present study
compared copy and 45 min-delayed recall accuracy scores of the Rey and Mac
k CFTs obtained from 245 adults involved in a study of the neuropsychologic
al correlates of sleep apnea and its treatment. Accuracy scores did not sig
nificantly differ between individuals with and without sleep apnea. Also, t
here was no significant difference between copy or recall accuracy scores o
btained on the Rey and Mack CFTs. Similar correlations were found between r
elevant demographic factors, estimated IQ, and accuracy scores for both CFT
s. These data suggest that the Mack figure may be a useful alternative to t
he Rey CFT.