Escalating economic pressures on the clinical enterprise threaten the missi
ons of education and research in many of the most prestigious academic heal
th centers. Following the model of industry, mergers of the healthcare deli
very systems of teaching hospitals and clinics held promise for economies o
f scale and an improved operating margin. Failure to follow business princi
ples in constructing the merged entity, differences in organizational gover
nance and culture, and inability of physician leadership to prioritize, dow
nsize, and consolidate clinical programs to optimize operational efficienci
es all compromise the success of such mergers in academic medicine. Academi
c institutions and their respective governing boards need to exercise great
er discipline in financial analysis and a willingness to make difficult dec
isions that show favor to one parent institution over another if mergers ar
e to be effective in this setting. To date, an example of a vibrant and suc
cessful merger of academic health centers remains to be found.