Clinical decision-making in esophageal cancer surgery is a process of balan
cing the risks of treatment against potential benefits, such as survival an
d quality of life. Various options are available for esophageal reconstruct
ion. While these reconstructive options do not directly have an impact on c
ancer survival, they do affect operative morbidity and long-term quality of
life. The affect of various interponats (reconstructive conduits) and rout
es of reconstruction on operative morbidity and foregut function is reviewe
d. Gastric interponats are preferred for esophageal reconstruction because
of their reliable vascularity and the relative simplicity of the reconstruc
tive operation. Colon interponats supposedly provide better long-term funct
ion as an esophageal substitute (unproven), but at the cost of increased op
erative complexity and morbidity. Colon interposition is therefore reserved
for situations in which gastric transposition is not feasible. Both poster
ior and anterior mediastinal routes of gastric interponat reconstruction ar
e acceptable (meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials). Posterior med
iastinal reconstruction is usually preferred when a complete (R0) resection
has been accomplished. Anterior mediastinal reconstruction may prevent sec
ondary dysphagia after incomplete (R1, R2) resections.