This article presents a simple physical concept of aeolian dust accumulatio
n, based on the behaviour of the subprocesses of dust deposition and dust e
rosion. The concept is tested in an aeolian dust wind tunnel. The agreement
between the accumulation curve predicted by the model and the accumulation
curve obtained in the experiments is close to perfect and shows that it is
necessary to discriminate between the processes of aeolian dust deposition
and aeolian dust accumulation. Two important thresholds determine the accu
mulation process. For wind speeds below the deflation threshold, the aeolia
n accumulation of dust increases linearly with the wind speed. For wind vel
ocities between the deflation threshold and the accumulation limit, the sed
imentation balance is above unity and there is still accumulation, though i
t rapidly drops once the deflation threshold has been exceeded. At wind spe
eds beyond the accumulation limit, the sedimentation balance is below unity
and there will no longer be an accumulation of dust. The thresholds have b
een determined in a wind tunnel test at friction velocity u(*) = 0.34 m s(-
1) (deflation threshold) and u(*) = 0.43 in s(-1) (accumulation limit), but
these values are only indicative since they depend heavily on the characte
ristics of the accumulation surface and of the airborne grains. Copyright (
C) 2001 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.