STRESS ULCERS OCCUR frequently in intensive care unit patients who hav
e intracranial disease. After major physiological stress, endoscopic e
vidence of mucosal lesions of the gastrointestinal tract appears withi
n 24 hours of injury; 17% of these erosions progress to clinically sig
nificant bleeding. Gastrointestinal hemorrhage has been associated wit
h mortality rates of up to 50%. The pathogenesis of stress ulcers may
not be completely understood, but gastric acid and pepsin appear to pl
ay significant roles. Antacids, H-2 antagonists, and sucralfate are ef
fective prophylactic agents in the medical/surgical intensive cave uni
t. Appropriate therapy for neurosurgical patients remains unclear, how
ever. This review summarizes the current literature regarding the path
ogenesis and therapy of stress ulcers in neurosurgical patients.