Introduction:As urologists head into the new millennium, it has become clea
r that laparoscopy will play a significant role in successful urologic prac
tice. Issues that are addressed in this article include: (1) What are the n
ew limits? (2) Technological advances. (3) Adequate training. (4) How to te
chnically simplify the laparoscopic procedures?
Materials and Methods:To answer the stated questions a review of the litera
ture has been undertaken together with interviews of the leading experts an
d laparoscopic working groups in urologic laparoscopy. The gathered informa
tion has been sumarized and focussed with the aim of presenting the perspec
tives of laparoscopy in urology.
Results and Discussion. Standardized! indications for laparoscopic urologic
al surgery are benign nephrectomy, nephroureterectomy, cryptorchidism, adre
nalectomy, renal cysts, lymphocele and bilateral or relapsing! varicocele.
Future indications might include living donor nephrectomy, partial nephrect
omy and cyst decortication for adult polycystic kidney disease. Controversy
exists about the laparoscopic treatment of malignancies in the urinary tra
ct. Whereas pelvic lymph node dissection - even if performed with drecreasi
ng frequency - is accepted worldwide, retroperitoneal lymphadenectomy for l
ow-stage testis cancer is currently performed only at few centers. The rece
nt break-through in uro-oncological laparoscopic surgery has been laparosco
pic radical prostatectomy changing our views on the limits of laparoscopic
urology. Endoscopic suturing devices (i.e. Endostitch), are further being d
eveloped, and a prototype reapproximating micro-clips (VCS stapler) has bee
n used to perform a uretero-ureterostomy laparoscopically in a porcine mode
l. Nevertheless, the ability of endoscopic suturing using the standard equi
pment has still to be considered as a 'conditio sine qua non'. Improvements
for tissue division and dissection include an electrosurgical! snare to pe
rform a partial nephrectomy, the development of a pneumodissector and hydro
dissector. Robotics, including the AESOP 3000 and ZEUS represent a glimpse
of the future. By positioning the optique in a voice-controlled full range
motion mechanic arm, the image on the screen is very steady and the ergonom
ics of the surgeons is increased significantly. The da, Vinci-System, howev
er, is the first system that has translated all visions of telepresence sur
gery into clinical reality, recently also for laparoscopic radical prostate
Conclusions:The future of laparoscopic urology is a two-tiered approach. On
the first tier, the advancement of complex reconstructive and ablative sur
gery such as laparoscopic prostatectomy or, laparoscopic retroperitoneal no
de dissection, will be undertaken by referral centers of expertise. It is f
rom these individuals that we will look to in order to separate what is fea
sible and what is reasonable. The second tier will be focusing on simplifyi
ng the procedure for the average urologist. As such, developments such as t
he pneumodissector, hydrodissection, and hand assistance will bring exstirp
ative laparoscopy into the realm of more urologists. What is critical is th
at the urologic community supports both groups of laparoscopists. Copyright
(C) 2001 S. Karger AG, Basel.