In order to isolate genes that may not be represented in current human brai
n cDNA libraries, we have sequenced about 20,000 sequence tags of cDNA clon
es derived from cerebellum and parietal lobe of cynomolgus monkeys (Macaca
fascicularis). We determined the entire cDNA sequence of approximately 700
clones whose 5'-terminal sequences showed no homology to annotated putative
genes or expressed sequence tags in current databases of genetic informati
on. From this, 118 clones with sequences encoding novel open reading frames
of more than 100 amino acid residues were selected for further analysis. T
o localize the genes corresponding to these 118 newly identified cDNA clone
s on human chromosomes, we performed a homology search using the human geno
me sequence and fluorescent in situ hybridization. In total, 108 of 118 clo
nes were successfully assigned to specific regions of human chromosomes. Th
is result demonstrates that genes expressed in cynomolgus monkey are highly
conserved throughout primate evolution, and that virtually all had human h
omologs. Furthermore, we will be able to discover novel human genes in the
human genome using monkey homologs as probes. (C) 2001 Elsevier Science B.V
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