Aim The purpose of this study is to apply geographical information and arti
ficial neural network (ANN) technologies in assessing ecosystem distributio
n on the island of Saint Lucia, as well as to develop an improved ecologica
l classification using Holdridge's system of natural life zones.
Location Saint Lucia is a Caribbean island state located at 14 degreesN and
61 degreesW and of a land area of 616 km(2).
Methods The main inputs for classifying life zones were a 25-m x 25-m digit
al elevation model of Saint Lucia (DEM), mean annual temperature and annual
total precipitation. The DEM was initially obtained by digitizing contour
lines on a topographic map. Elevation-temperature regressions developed for
Puerto Rico were used to generate point-estimates of mean temperature acro
ss the island of Saint Lucia. A generalized (trained) ANN was employed to c
reate an annual total rainfall surface for the island. The variables of lon
gitude, latitude and elevation were used to construct the rainfall model. C
omparison of predicted and observed total precipitation revealed that the A
NN explained over 95% of variability exhibited in the observed data, within
a standard error of estimate of 123 mm (similar to6% of the total precipit
Results Three complete and three transitional life zones were identified as
occurring on Saint Lucia. Twelve per cent of the island was classified as
tropical premontane moist/wet, 20% as tropical premontane wet, 6% as subtro
pical dry/moist, 29% as subtropical moist, 26% as subtropical moist/ wet an
d 7%, as subtropical wet.
Conclusion Quality of life zone delineation depends on an objective applica
tion of universally accepted criteria and available terrain analysis techno