In humans, the skin is a target tissue for androgen action; hair growth and
sebum secretion are under active androgen control. An increased production
or metabolism of testosterone, the main active androgen, shows up clinical
ly in dermatological symptoms such as hirsutism, hyperseborrheic acne and a
lopecia. Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) is the most frequent androgen dis
order of ovarian function. PCOS patients have amenorrhea or severe oligomen
orrhea, increased testosterone levels and most often enlarged polycystic ov
aries on ultrasound examination. In addition, many PCOS patients have a ten
dency to accumulate abdominal fat and/or to develop obesity. Some also disp
lay ai particular metabolic pattern including an atherogenic lipid profile,
glucose intolerance and an increased fasting insulin level, which is known
to be closely linked with: an insulin resistant state. Several studies hav
e now reported that PCOS patients show increased incidence of type 2 diabet
es and cardiovascular disease. In addition to being a target for androgens
the skin has abundant insulin receptors on the keratinocyte surface membran
e and acanthosis nigricans is a common symptom of severe insulin resistance
among patients with insulin receptor disorders. How-ever, acanthosis nigri
cans could also be present in PCOS women given evidence of the intensity of
their insulin resistance. This presentation will review the mutual relatio
nship between hyperandrogenia and insulin resistance, with particular atten
tion paid to: (1) insulin secretion and insulin sensitivity in PCOS; (2) th
e complexity of the molecular mechanisms involved in insulin resistance; (3
) the paradoxical relationship between insulin resistance and hyperandrogen
ia; (4) the current genetic studies; and (5) new avenues for long-term trea
tment of PCOS women. Copyright (C) 2001 S. Karger AG, Basel.