This paper describes the combined effects of laser chirp, electrooptical mi
xing, dispersive fiber transmission, and photodetection on the nonlinear si
gnal properties of the electrooptically generated millimeter-wave signal (6
0 GHz). Analytical expressions describing the complex currents of fundament
al and higher order products are provided for the case of single-tone modul
ation as well as for two-tone modulation, respectively. Examples will be co
nsidered including the nonlinear amplitude response (output power at millim
eter-wave range versus input power at IF), the nonlinear phase response (re
lative output phase at millimeter-wave range versus input power at IF), the
input related 1-dB gain compression condition, the amplitude response of t
hird- and fifth-order intermodulation products, as well as the input relate
d intercept points for the latter signals. The model developed performed we
ll, even under moderate to large signal conditions, and very good agreement
has been achieved between theory and experiment.