We consider the following natural model: Customers arrive as a Poisson stre
am of rate gimeln, gimel < 1, at a collection of n servers. Each customer c
hooses some constant d servers independently and uniformly at random from t
he n servers and waits for service at the one with the fewest customers. Cu
stomers are served according to the first-in first-out (FIFO) protocol and
the service time for a customer is exponentially distributed with mean 1. W
e call this problem the supermarket model. We wish to know how the system b
ehaves and in particular we are interested in the effect that the parameter
d has on expected time a customer spends in the system in equilibrium. Our
approach uses a limiting, deterministic model representing the behavior as
n --> infinity to approximate the behavior of finite systems. The analysis
of the deterministic model is interesting in its own right. Along with a t
heoretical justification of this approach, we provide simulations that demo
nstrate that the method accurately predicts system behavior, even for relat
ively small systems. Our analysis provides surprising implications: Having
d = 2 choices leads to exponential improvements in the expected time a cust
omer spends in the system over d = 1, whereas having d = 3 choices is only
a constant factor better than d = 2. We discuss the possible implications f
or system design.