ZnO arrester elements consist of ZnO grains with dimensions in the range of
10 to 100 mum, the boundaries between which form double Shottky junctions
with conduction voltages in the range of 3.5 V. A fraction of the grains co
ntain no conducting boundaries with other grains, which results in the perc
olation path for current across the ZnO element being a statistical paramet
er which is a function of the fraction of nonconducting grains, which also
affects the nonlinear properties of the element. In this paper, we use a si
mple statistical approach to predict the effect-of the fraction of noncondu
cting grains on the nonlinear properties of the element. This computational
ly simple approach gives results which are comparable to far more complex a
pproaches which require solving a network of nonlinear resistive elements.