Tele-operation is used when a task has to be performed in a hostile, unsafe
, inaccessible or remote environment. Examples of tele-operation include th
e dismantling of bombs by the police and the manipulation of robotic arms i
n nuclear reactors, in deep seas or in space. Two commonly used methods in
tele-operation are direct manipulation and indirect manipulation. In direct
manipulation the operator has a direct view of the manipulator and perform
s mostly mechanical tasks. In indirect manipulation the operator does not h
ave a direct view of the manipulator, and sensors such as closed loop TV sy
stems are used to provide the operator with on-line information. In this ca
se, manipulation requires mental efforts, since the presentation of the man
ipulator environment is frequently distorted due to the limited ability of
sensors to provide a complete and accurate view of reality. In this study a
simple pick and place tele-operation task was performed in the direct and
indirect modes by the participating subjects. The analysis of the results s
how that while the very same learning model can be used to analyze the lear
ning process in both modes, the parameters of the models are significantly
different. Thus the duration of the learning process, as well as the most a
ppropriate teaching methodology, may differ substantially between the two m
odes of operation.