On-line set-point optimization of technological processes under uncertainty
is the subject of the paper for the case with important active constraints
on certain process outputs. A miltilayer structure with additional upper l
ayer follow-up constraint controller responsible for keeping the output con
straints satisfied both in steady states and during transient processes is
considered. The integrated system optimization and parameter estimation (IS
OPE) method is investigated, i.e. iterative algorithms using an on-line ste
ady-state feedback, designed to determine optimum operation of the plant in
the presence of inaccurate models and disturbance uncertainties. A new for
mulation of the ISOPE method suitable for the considered structure is deriv
ed and discussed, followed by a development of an efficient dual-type algor
ithm. The algorithms are applied to a case study example-an industrial styr
ene production unit consisting of a series of distillation columns. Results
of simulation runs for cases with and without errors in the feedback infor
mation from the process to the optimizer are reported.