Selective growth of GaAs on a nanoscale SiO2-patterned GaAs(001) substrate
by molecular beam epitaxy is reported. Reduction of the lateral dimensions
of a SiO2 pattern below the surface diffusion length of an incident Ga atom
results in preferential migration from the SiO2 surface to stable bonding
configurations at nearby open GaAs substrate surfaces. This intrinsic selec
tivity is achieved under high growth temperature with low growth rate where
surface migration on the SiO2 surface is highly extended. A large-area nan
oscale SiO2 pattern is realized by interferometric lithography. A 330-nm pe
riod two-dimensional array of GaAs disks having a height of 40 nm and a dia
meter of about 240 nm, selectively grown on a GaAs(001) substrate is presen
ted. Variation of the nanoscale selective growth mode depending on the diam
eter of GaAs disks is also observed. (C) 2001 American Institute of Physics