Depression is more common in women than in men, particularly during the chi
ldbearing years. Women may present with different depressive symptoms than
men and may respond differently to antidepressant treatment. In addition, d
epression in women can surface in association with specific points in the r
eproductive cycle, such as during the premenstrual period, during pregnancy
and the postpartum period, and during the perimenopausal years. Antidepres
sant medications may be used effectively at all stages in a woman's life. I
n the case of premenstrual dysphoric disorder, serotonergic agents have dem
onstrated efficacy in both full-cycle and luteal-phase dosing strategies. F
or depressed women who are pregnant or breastfeeding, the limited safety da
ta available on antidepressants suggest minimal danger to the fetus or infa
nt, and the risks and benefits to both mother and child must be weighed aga
inst the risks of untreated illness. Treatment of depression in middle-aged
and elderly women should take into account the possible influence of both
menopausal status and hormone replacement therapy on antidepressant respons
e. This article will focus on special considerations in the evaluation and
management of depression in women across the life span.