Characteristic predictions of the chiral soliton models (the Skyrme model a
nd its extensions) are discussed, The chiral soliton model predictions of l
ow-lying dibaryon states qualitatively agree with recent evidence for the e
xistence of narrow dibaryons in reactions of the inelastic proton scatterin
g on deuterons and the double photon radiation pp -->- pp gamma gamma. The
connection between magnetic moment operators and inertia tensors valid for
arbitrary SU(2) skyrmion configurations allows us to estimate the electroma
gnetic decay width of some states of interest. Predictions of a different t
ype are multibaryons with a nontrivial flavor (strangeness, charm, or botto
m), which can be found, in particular, in high-energy heavy ion collisions.
It is shown that the large-B multiskyrmions given by the rational map ansa
tz can be described within the domain-wall approximation or as a spherical
bag with the energy and the baryon number density concentrated at the bound
ary. (C) 2001 MAIK "Nauka/Interperiodica".