This study compared bone-marrow grafting using chondroid or fibula bone gra
fts transplanted into simulated alveolar bone defects in mice. The osteogen
ic procedure was also investigated. As an experimental model of the maxilla
ry alveolar bone cleft, suitable for testing bone-inductive materials, a su
rgical trephine with a low-speed dental engine was used to form critical-si
zed defects in the pre-maxillary bones of male mice. Distraction osteogenes
is was performed using an external fixation device. The osteotomy site was
surrounded by an external callus, consisting of hyaline cartilage, that con
tained a large quantity of chondroid bone. Transplanted bone within chondro
id bone was characterized by bone formation and remodelling 30 days post-tr
ansplantation, and bone adhesion following chondroid bone grafting was bett
er than adhesion following fibula grafting. The present findings are the fi
rst to demonstrate the potential of chondroid bone transplantation as a new
therapeutic system of bone grafting, suitable for bone substitution in cra
niofacial bone defects.