The flotation behaviour of fluorite mineral was studied using fatty ac
ids with different configurations. These include oleic, linoleic, and
linolenic acids with one-, two- and three double bonds, respectively,
in their hydrocarbon chain. The study showed that the solution pH has
a diversable effect on the surface activity of the unsaturated fatty a
cids. Adsorption density measurements, at low pH's, revealed that the
equilibrium concentration of the surfactant, at which there is a steep
increase in the isotherm, decreases with increasing unsaturation. On
the other hand, at high pH, it was noticed that there is a specific eq
uilibrium concentration, for each surfactant, at which the adsorption
density decreases. This equilibrium concentration increases with incre
asing unsaturation. Besides, it was found that the double bonds shifts
the flotation pH towards the acidic region. This behaviour was studie
d in the light of surface tension measurements.