Neuronal loss has often been described at post-mortem in the brain neocorte
x of patients suffering from AIDS. Neuroinvasive strains of HIV infect macr
ophages, microglial cells and multinucleated giant cells, but not neurones.
Processing of the virus by cells of the myelomonocytic lineage yields vira
l products that, in conjunction with potentially neurotoxic molecules gener
ated by the host, might initiate a complex network of events which lead neu
rones to death. In particular, the HIV-1 coat glycoprotein, gp120, has been
proposed as a likely aetiologic agent of the described neuronal loss becau
se it causes death of neurones in culture. More recently, it has been shown
that brain neocortical cell death is caused in rat by intracerebroventricu
lar injection of a recombinant gp120 coat protein, and that this occurs via
apoptosis. The latter observation broadens our knowledge in the pathophysi
ology of the reported neuronal cell loss and opens a new lane of experiment
al research for the development of novel therapeutic strategies to limit da
mage to the brain of patients suffering from HIV-associated dementia.