Infection with the pathogens human cytomegalovirus (HCMV) or Chlamydia pneu
monia (CP) is linked to the development of vascular disease, including athe
rosclerosis. The role of pathogens in vasculopathies has been controversial
. However, animal models have demonstrated a direct link between infection
with CP and herpesviruses and the development of vascular disease. Clinical
studies have shown a direct association of HCMV and CIP with the accelerat
ion of vascular disease. This article will review the evidence supporting t
he role for CP and HCMV in the development of vascular disease and will sug
gest a potential mechanism for HCMV acceleration of the disease process. Va
scular diseases are the result of either mechanical or immune-related injur
y followed by inflammation and subsequent smooth muscle cell (SMC) prolifer
ation and/or migration from the vessel media to the intima, which culminate
s in vessel narrowing. A number of in vitro and in vivo models have provide
d potential mechanisms involved in pathogen-mediated vascular disease. Rece
ntly, we have demonstrated that HCMV infection of arterial but not venous S
MC results in significant cellular migration in vitro. Migration was depend
ent on expression of the HCMV-encoded chemokine receptors, US28, and the pr
esence of the chemokines, RANTES or MCP-1. Migration involved chemotaxis an
d provided the first evidence that viruses may induce migration of SMC towa
rd sites of chemokine production through the expression of a virally encode
d chemokine receptor in infected SMC. Because SMC migration into the neoint
imal space is the hallmark of vascular disease, these observations provide
a molecular link between HCMV and the development of vascular disease.