An approach for using viscous computational fluid dynamic simulations to ca
lculate the flowfield and aerodynamic coefficients for a missile with grid
fins is presented. A grid fin is an unconventional lifting and control surf
ace that consists of an outer frame supporting an inner grid of intersectin
g planar surfaces of small chord. The calculations were made at a Mach numb
er of 2.5 and several angles of attack for a missile without fins, with pla
nar fins, and with grid fins. Comparing the computed aerodynamic coefficien
ts for the missile and individual grid fins against wind-tunnel measurement
data validated the results. Very good agreement with the measured data was
observed for all configurations investigated. For the grid fin case, the a
erodynamic coefficients were within 6.5% of the wind-tunnel data. The norma
l force coefficient on the individual grid fins was within 11% of the test
data. The nonlinear behavior of the normal force on the leeward fin at high
er angles of attack was also accurately predicted.