The psychoanalytic literature on altruism is sparse, although much has been
written on this topic from a sociobiological perspective. Freud (1917) fir
st described the concept in "Libido Theory and Narcissism." In 1946 Anna Fr
eud coined the term "altruistic surrender" to describe the psychodynamics o
f altruistic behavior in a group of inhibited individuals who were neurotic
ally driven to do good for others. The usefulness and clinical applicabilit
y of this formulation, in conjunction with the frequent coexistence of maso
chism and altruism, encouraged psychoanalysts to regard all forms of altrui
sm as having masochistic underpinnings. Since then, there has been a confla
tion of the two concepts in much of the analytic literature. This paper ree
xamines the psychoanalytic understanding of altruism and proposes an expans
ion of the concept to include a normal form. Five types of altruism are des
cribed: protoaltruism, generative altruism, conflicted altruism, pseudoaltr
uism, and psychotic altruism. Protoaltruism has biological roots and can be
observed in animals. In humans, protoaltruism includes maternal and patern
al nurturing and protectiveness. Generative altruism is the nonconflictual
pleasure in fostering the success and/or welfare of another. Conflicted alt
ruism is generative altruism that is drawn into conflict, but in which the
pleasure and satisfaction of another (a proxy) is actually enjoyed. Pseudoa
ltruism originates in conflict and serves as a defensive cloak for underlyi
ng sadomasochism. Psychotic altruism is defined as the sometimes bizarre fo
rms of caretaking behavior and associated self-denial seen in psychotic ind
ividuals, and often based on delusion. We consider Anna Freud's altruistic
surrender to combine features of both conflict-laden altruism and pseudoalt
ruism. Two clinical illustrations are discussed.