This article explores the possible causal pathways through which neighborho
ods might affect health and then reviews the existing evidence. Although me
thodological issues make the literature inconclusive, the authors offer a p
rovisional hypothesis for how neighborhoods shape health outcomes. They hyp
othesize that neighborhoods may primarily influence health in two ways: fir
st, through relatively short-term influences on behaviors, attitudes, and h
ealth-care utilization, thereby affecting health conditions that are most i
mmediately responsive to such influences; and second through a longer-term
process of "weathering," whereby the accumulated stress, lower environmenta
l quality, and limited resources of poorer communities, experienced over ma
ny years, erodes the health of residents in ways that make them more vulner
able to mortality from any given disease. Finally, drawing on the more exte
nsive research that has been done exploring the effects of neighborhoods on
education and employment, the authors suggest several directions for futur
e research.