Meteoritical Bulletin No. 85 lists information for 1376 newly classified me
teorites, comprising 658 from Antarctica, 409 from Africa, 265 from Asia (2
62 of which are from Oman), 31 from North America, 7 from South America, 3
from Australia, and 3 from Europe. Information is provided for 11 falls (De
rgaon, Dunbogan, Gujba, Independence, Itqiy, Moravka, Oued el Hadjar, Sayam
a, Sologne, Valera, and Worden). Noteworthy non-Antarctic specimens include
5 martian meteorites (Dar al Gani 876, Northwest Africa 480 and 817, and S
ayh al Uhaymir 051 and 094); 6 lunar meteorites (Dhofar 081, 280, and 287,
and Northwest Africa 479, 482, and 773); an ungrouped enstatite-rich meteor
ite (Itqiy); a Bencubbin-like meteorite (Gujba); 9 iron meteorites; and a w
ide variety of other interesting stony meteorites, including CH, CK, CM, CO
, CR, CV, R, enstatite, and unequilibrated ordinary chondrites, primitive a
chondrites, HED achondrites, and ureilites.