In Germany the early detection of hearing impairments in children is still
an unresolved problem and therefore still relevant for the pediatrician. Th
ere are various practical and valid methods to detect hearing impairments i
n children of every age group. The most important assessment methods are de
scribed. On the basis of own data and literature sources the current situat
ion in Germany is evaluated. It can be ascertained that the diagnosis of de
afness at about 16 months still occurs at a very late timepoint and that pa
rents are the first to suspect a hearing impairment. In each case of presum
ed hearing impairment a specialized pediatric-audiological institution shou
ld be involved and in particular attention should be paid to the parents' o
bservations and comments. The introduction of a general newborn hearing-scr
eening program would greatly improve the situation. For this reason the dem
and for an area-wide screening should be realized as soon as possible.