Due to increasing public health and social issues as secondary problems of
opiate dependence (e.g. mortality, risk of HIV- and hepatitis infection, hi
gh rate of criminal activities) heroin prescription to opiate addicts has b
een suggested. Scientific data do not yet allow a solid evaluation of this
treatment. As generally accepted, the main criteria for an ethical evaluati
on of new treatments are a) beneficence (duty to help patients further thei
r important and legitimate interests), b) respect for the patient's autonom
y and c) social justice in the allocation of the limited resources of the h
ealth care system. Ethical problems of heroin prescription relate to the di
fferentiation between medical concern for the individual patient's health a
nd the public interests in reducing social problems, the problematic capabi
lity of addicts of a balanced evaluation of heroin prescription and oeconom
ic considerations of the costs of heroin prescription in comparison with ot
her forms of treatment of opiate addiction, especially methadone maintenanc
e treatment.