A pair of proteins is defined to be related by a circular permutation if th
e N-terminal region of one protein has significant sequence similarity to t
he C-terminal of the other and vice versa. To detect pairs of proteins that
might be related by circular permutation, we implemented a procedure based
on a combination of a fast screening algorithm that we had designed and ma
nual verification of candidate pairs. The screening algorithm is a variatio
n of a dynamic programming string matching algorithm, in which one of the s
equences is doubled. This algorithm, although not guaranteed to identify al
l cases of circular permutation, is a good first indicator of protein pairs
related by permutation events. The candidate pairs were further validated
first by application of an exhaustive string matching algorithm and then by
manual inspection using the dotplot visual tool. Screening the whole Swiss
prot database, a total of 25 independent protein pairs were identified. The
se cases are presented here, divided into three categories depending on the
level of functional similarity of the related proteins. To validate our ap
proach and to confirm further the small number of circularly permuted prote
in pairs, a systematic search for cases of circular permutation was carried
out in the Pfam database of protein domains. Even with this more inclusive
definition of a circular permutation, only seven additional candidates wer
e found. None of these fitted our original definition of circular permutati
ons. The small number of cases of circular permutation suggests that there
is no mechanism of local genetic manipulation that can induce circular perm
utations; most examples observed seem to result from fusion of functional u