The restoration of floodplain woodlands demands an understanding of the lin
kages between process, form and past management history at both a local and
catchment scale. Site and reach scale processes that influence the species
composition of floodplain woodland species are described with a particular
focus on the relationships between hydrological and sediment inputs to flo
odplains and the regeneration response by tree species. The importance of i
ntegrating natural science knowledge gained at the site reach scale with de
cisions taken at the catchment scale on water allocation priorities is then
Research was carried out on the River Ore in Sweden, The River Ouse in the
United Kingdom and the River Is re and River Garonne in France. Research re
sults at the site and reach scale allow broad definition of ideal condition
s for the regeneration and growth of floodplain tree species and the flows
that provide them: (1) channel movement has to occur for the creation of se
dimentation sites required for the regeneration of early successional speci
es and the flows that provide them; (2) flooding events should occur period
ically to cause both channel movement and recharge floodplain water tables;
(3) water table decline rates following a flood event must be slow enough
that seedling roots can maintain contact with the retreating water front; (
4) unseasonal flood events can cause high mortality of seedlings and preven
t successful regeneration in any season. Some of the requirements for the r
estoration of floodplain woodlands can be delivered through site and reach
scale restoration projects with reasonably predictable ecological outcomes.
A more holistic approach to the provision of regeneration sites for floodp
lain woodlands would also include water allocation decisions targeted at pr
oviding flow conditions which could restore geomorphological processes. How
ever, it is difficult to predict ecosystem responses to catchment scale flo
w allocation measures and, therefore, in the intensively managed river corr
idors of Western Europe, river restoration initiatives tend to be restricte
d to the site and reach scale. Copyright (C) 2001 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.