The servo model is extended and used to fit horizontal gradients in th
e F-2 layer height and density and to estimate the zonal Pedersen curr
ent and its zonal and meridional gradient. Horizontal gradients were m
easured from the Arecibo Observatory during the following five nights:
August 16-17 and 17-18, 1982; and October 4-5, 5-6, and 9-10, 1983. T
he model gradients are driven by nonzero current gradients, which are
applied as needed to fit the measured gradients in the F-2 peak. The g
radient in the peak height is accurately reproduced; the peak density
gradient is calculated self-consistently in the model. The divergence
of the Pedersen current can be deduced when the current flows zonally
and is found to differ from zero. This is a consequence of zonal diver
gence of the model zonal current. Expressions are derived for the dive
rgence of the Hall current and for the curl of the current in the pres
ence of ionospheric gradients. The vertical vorticity of the F region
current is determined from the radar and optical measurements and the
mass spectrometer/incoherent scatter (MSIS) neutral densities. Both ne
utral and plasma motions generate current vorticity equally as expecte
d from the F region dynamo. The measured velocity gradients produce mo
re current gradients and vorticity than the measured conductance gradi
ents. The measured height gradient in the perpendicular-north plasma d
rift (partial derivative(z) nu perpendicular to N) is the dominant ter
m in the vorticity and drives the two current shears that cause vortic
ity. Geometrical factors increase (partial derivative(z) nu perpendicu
lar to N) by about 13% in the zonal gradient of the meridional current
over the meridional gradient of the zonal current. This causes antico
rrelation between the former current shear and the vorticity. The two
measured shears generally follow each other, have opposing vorticities
and large uncertainties. The nighttime current may be irrotational or
have constant vorticity. Large current gradients occur in conjunction
with observed descents of the F-2 peak height. The gradients are inte
rpreted as due to the midnight pressure bulge at low latitudes. Short-
period gravity waves of meteorological origin are ruled out as they we
re not observed and are Limited in their ability to reach ionospheric
heights. The harmonic analysis used to obtain horizontal wind gradient
s is largely unaffected by spatially uniform wind accelerations. There
fore the deduced spatial variations in the measured winds are unlikely
to be due to temporal variations.