There are three areas in which functional imaging may be applied to malform
ations of cortical development (MCD) that give rise to epilepsy: the locali
zation of epileptic activity; the identification of areas of functional abn
ormality; the mapping of normal cerebral functions, and how these may be di
Single photon emission computerized tomography (SPECT) commonly shows Inter
ictal hypoperfusion and iota[ hyperperfusion. Positron emission tomography
(PET), using F-18-fluorodeoxyglucose, often shows glucose metabolism in ect
opic grey matter and hypometabolism in MCD, compared with normal cortex. Co
gnitive activation tasks, using PET or fMRI, have shown that malformed cort
ex may participate in cerebral functions, but also widespread atypical cort
ical organization. Cognitive activation tasks using fMRI are useful when pl
anning surgical resections close to eloquent cortex.
Binding of C-11-flumazenil to central benzodiazepine receptors (cBZR) is of
ten abnormal in MCD, and in areas of cortex that appear normal on MRI, with
increased and decreased binding.
MR Spectroscopy also reveals abnormalities that are more extensive than the
MRI visible lesion, implying more widespread structural and functional abn
The recording of EEG during fMRI has allowed the latter to be used to local
ize cerebral areas involved in the generation of interictal epileptiform ac
tivity. Electroencephalograph source localization and magneto-encephalograp
hy may also prove to be useful in the localization of Interictal epileptifo
rm activity, particularly when fMRI data are used to constrain the solution