This paper will consider the consistencies and disparities between the clas
sic 19(th) Century model of language and the results of functional neuro-im
aging studies on auditory and visual word repetition, The functional imagin
g studies show that, as predicted by the 19(th) Century neurologists, audit
ory and visual word repetition engage perisylvian regions in the left poste
rior superior temporal and posterior inferior frontal cortices, More specif
ically, the roles that Wernicke and Broca assigned to these regions lie res
pectively in the upper banks of the left posterior superior temporal sulcus
and the left anterior insula/frontal operculum. In addition, a region in t
he left posterior inferior temporal cortex is activated for word retrieval
and provides a second route to reading, emphasised by 20(th) Century cognit
ive models of language. There is no firm evidence as yet to link the functi
on of a visual word form area to a specific neural substrate. The angular g
yrus, previously linked to the visual word form system, is shown to be part
of a distributed semantic system that can be accessed by objects and faces
as well as speech, Overall, functional neuroimaging demonstrates that the
19(th) Century neurological model of language is remarkably insightful.