For a number of years, a major effort has been put into the identification
of candidate molecules for inclusion in a novel vaccine against tuberculosi
s. Various techniques have been exploited and have resulted in the identifi
cation of immunologically important antigens such as the immunodominant ant
igens ESAT-6 and antigen 85A/B. Today, the availability of the total nucleo
tide sequence of the Mycobacterium tuberculosis genome enables a post-genom
ic antigen discovery approach based on denotation and screening of complete
protein families containing immunodominant molecules. One group of genes s
haring properties with ESAT-6 constitute what has been called the esat-6 ge
ne family. The genes have 10-35% homology to esat-6, are approximately the
same size and share genomic organization. The data accumulated so far demon
strate that these molecules are immunodominant antigens strongly recognized
in human TB patients and with the potential for a novel TB vaccine.