A distinct difference in boron isotopes between seawater and terrestrial wa
ter is emphasized by delta B-11 values reported for seawater and groundwate
r, with an average of 38.8 parts per thousand and in the range of -8.9 part
s per thousand to 9.8 parts per thousand, respectively. The isotopic compos
ition of boron in groundwater can be used to quantify seawater intrusion an
d identify intrusion types, e.g. seawater or brine intrusions with differen
t chemical and isotopic characteristics, by using the relation of delta B-1
1 and chloride concentration. The feasibility of utilizing boron isotope in
groundwater for studying seawater intrusion in Laizhou Bay Region, China,
is reported in this study, which shows that boron isotope is a useful and e
xcellent tool for the study of seawater intrusion.