Anterior knee pain is a common complaint in the orthopaedic clinic. The dif
ferential diagnosis is wide and the principal goal of initial assessment is
to detect remediable causes. The majority of patients do not have a specif
ic disease and increasingly interest has focused on the role of patello-fem
oro-tibial morphology and of patellar maltracking in the aetiology of anter
ior knee pain. Classification in this group of patients is poor and there i
s no uniform agreement on which patient groups benefit from treatment and w
hich treatment is best. Much of the literature involves relatively small nu
mbers of patients, is poorly controlled and there is little agreement on ou
tcome measures [1, 2]. The purpose of this review is to outline the current
status of the imaging assessment of recalcitrant anterior knee pain with p
articular reference to patellar maltracking.