Network communication services that can be configured to customize function
ality provide significant advantages over monolithic versions, but can be d
ifficult to construct if the services must also provide real-time guarantee
s on message delivery. This paper describes how practical issues related to
the combination of configurability and real time have been addressed in re
al-time dependable (RTD) channels, a communication abstraction that has bee
n prototyped using the Cactus system. The architecture and implementation o
f RTD channels are described, including facilities for translating an appli
cation's quality of service requirements into configuration-specific resour
ce requirements, and an admission control architecture that uses system-wid
e information to determine whether sufficient resources exist to create new
channels. In addition, the results of experiments that demonstrate that th
e desired channel properties-including real-time guarantees-are provided fo
r various configurations are presented. Finally, practical problems and les
sons learned from implementing RTD channels on the general-purpose MK 7.3 M
ach operating system are discussed. Copyright (C) 2001 John Wiley & Sons, L