Summ. Molecular biology conferred enormous progresses in biosciences during
the past few years. This paradigm permutation in biological research certa
inly challenges biological education. Nevertheless, this is no reason to fu
ndamentally reorganise biological education at the universities. A most ent
ire view of the matter should remain a central request which meets the capa
city and imagination of students. Selected biological phenomena taken from
the traditional treasury remain suitable in the future too to mediate basic
biological ways ot thinking. Forthcoming syllabuses, however, will necessi
tate the expansion of this concept. The scope of the present contribution i
s to show, how the integration of molecular biology in the teaching of clas
sical disciplines of biology may be reached. Choosing ecology and environme
ntal biology as examples, molecular biology will not only strengthen explan
ation models of cause-effect relationships in these disciplines, but also w
ill facilitate the interconnections to interdisciplinary fields such as hea
lth education, social, and political education. This may result in an entir
e structural concept of classical and molecular biology.