We applied high-resolution manometry with spatiotemporal data interpolation
and simultaneous videofluoroscopy to normal pharyngeal swallows to correla
te specific features in the space-time intraluminal pressure structure with
physiological events and normal deglutitive transsphincteric bolus flow to
define normal biomechanical properties of the pharyngoesophageal (PE) segm
ent. Pressures were recorded by microperfused catheter, and the two-dimensi
onal space-time data sets were plotted as isocontours. On these were superi
mposed bolus trajectories, anatomic segment movements, and hyo-laryngeal tr
ajectories from concurrent videofluoroscopy. Correlation of the highly repr
oducible space-time-pressure structure with radiographic images confirmed t
hat primary deglutitive PE segment functions (pressure profile, laryngeal e
levation, axial sphincter motion, timing of relaxation, contraction) are ac
curately discernible from single isocontour pressure visualization. Pressur
e during bolus flow was highly dependent on axial location within PE segmen
t and time instant. The intrabolus pressure domain, corresponding to the sp
ace-time region between bolus head and tail trajectories, demonstrated sign
ificant bolus volume dependence. High-resolution manometry accurately, comp
rehensively, and highly reproducibly depicts the PE segment space-time-pres
sure structure and specific physiological events related to upper esophagea
l sphincter opening and transsphincteric flow during normal swallowing. Int
rabolus pressure variations are highly dependent on position within the PE
segment and time.