Jr. Hendrickson et al., Decomposition rates of native and improved cultivars of grasses in the Northern Great Plains, ARID LAND R, 15(4), 2001, pp. 347-357
Decomposition is a critical process that links the above- and below-ground
portions of the nutrient cycle. A sturdy was initiated in North Dakota, USA
, to evaluate the decomposition rate between three genetically improved gra
ss species monocultures, Agropyron desertorum, Bromus inermis, and Pascopyr
um smithii, and two native perennial grass species occurring in area rangel
ands, Nassella viridula and Bouteloua gracilis. Standing litter of all five
species was harvested in October 1996 and placed into litterbags. Litterba
gs were placed along transects in early November 1996 and randomly selected
bags were sampled in June, July, August, September, and October, 1997. Car
bon (C), nitrogen (N) and lignin were determined on all samples including t
he initial litter samples. The percent of dry matter decomposed across time
ranged from 18.4% for B. gracilis to 26.8% for A. desertorum. The two nati
ve species, occurring in undisturbed rangeland, had significantly lower rat
es of decomposition than did the monocultures of the improved cultivars, in
cluding the monoculture of the improved native, P. smithii. Most decomposit
ion occurred prior to the June 1997 sampling date, and from June to October
1997 decomposition was approximately the same for all species (7 to 8%). T
he N concentration of the initial samples had the strongest correlation (r
= 0.78 P < 0.01) with decomposition rates. Lignin had a significant positiv
e correlation (r = 0.49, P = 0.03) and the C: N ratio had a significant neg
ative correlation (r = -0.67 P < 0.01) with decomposition. Traits, such as
decomposition, that can affect ecosystem functioning need to be given great
er emphasis in genetic selection of native and improved grass species.