The origin of the instability of the normal state of electrons in the super
conducting copper oxides is shown by the K-J model, in which the superexcha
nge (K) between local moments and the Kondo exchange (J) between electron a
nd local moment are considered. The suppression of superexchange via impuri
ty doping may induce effective spin coupling between electrons and triplet
pairing (S = 1, S-x = 0). The spin pairing theory explains the phase diagra
m of high-T-c superconductors, especially the superconducting transition te
mperature T-c, the pseudogap temperature T* and the magnetic crossover temp
erature T-n as a function of the doped hole concentration. The universal ex
pression for the empirical law of the superconducting transition temperatur
e is derived from the theory.