Background The prevalence of sensitization to fungi in young atopic patient
s in relation to age and clinical importance is largely unknown.
Objective The aim of this study was to investigate the prevalence of sensit
ization to different fungi in atopic children in relation to age and other
Methods A total of 137 atopic children (male 62%, female 38%; mean age 5 ye
ars and 9 months, range 5 months-14 years) were studied. Sera of all patien
ts were routinely tested for total IgE and specific IgE against aeroallerge
ns and milk. Positive sera were also tested for IgE against Alternaria alte
rnata, Aspergillus fumigatus, Cladosporium herbarum and Penicillium chrysog
enum, using the Pharmacia Enzyme CAP procedure.
Results In this. study in atopic children total IgE showed a significant li
near relation with age, whereas specific IgE against outdoor fungi, indoor
fungi and house dust mite showed significant non linearity with age. Preval
ence of specific IgE for Cladosporium ranked first, followed closely by Asp
ergillus and Alternaria. Calculation of the sensitization of indoor and out
door fungi showed maximum prevalence at 7.8 years, followed by lower values
at higher ages. A similar significant relation was also found for Alternar
ia, while this relation was not significant for the other individual fungi.
Specific IgE for indoor a nd outdoor fungi was associated with the presenc
e of specific IgE for aeroallergen and milk. We found that all children age
d 4 years and older showed IgE for house dust mite that (lid not decline wi
th increasing age.
Conclusions Sensitization to fungi is prevalent in childhood, with an age-d
ependent distribution reaching maximum values at 7.7-7.8 years, followed by
a decline for all fungal sensitization with increasing age. The importance
and relative contribution of fungal sensitization to airway disease, compa
red with the other allergens, remains to be established.