Articular cartilage shows little or no intrinsic capacity for repair in res
ponse to injury or disease, and even minor lesions or injuries may lead to
progressive damage and joint degeneration. Tissue engineering is a relative
ly new but rapidly growing field that has sought to use combinations of imp
lanted cells, biomaterials, and biologically active molecules to repair or
regenerate injured or diseased tissues. Despite many advances, tissue engin
eers have faced significant challenges in repairing or replacing tissues th
at serve a predominantly biomechanical function, such as articular cartilag
e. An evolving discipline termed functional tissue engineering seeks to add
ress these challenges by emphasizing and evaluating the role of biomechanic
al factors in the intrinsic and engineered repair of tissues and organs. In
the current study, the authors describe some of the fundamental issues inv
olving the interaction of biomechanical stresses in vivo and in vitro with
native and repair articular cartilage and with other biomechanically functi
onal tissues. A more thorough and formal investigation of these issues may
provide a basis for developing rational design principles for tissue engine
ered replacement or repair of load-bearing structures in the body.