Arthroscopic abrasion arthroplasty is an elaborate description for an exten
sive multiple tissue debridement for patients seeking an alternative to tot
al knee replacement. The operation is palliative, not curative. In patients
seeking an alternative to total knee replacement, the definitive operation
may be avoided or deferred in a high percentage of patients as many as 5 y
ears. Because the abrasion portion of the operation is accompanied by multi
ple tissue type debridement, it is not known what clinical benefit the abra
sion aspect contributes. Furthermore, no prospective randomized clinical st
udies have been done and most clinicians reporting on their experience with
the procedure have varied the indications, technique, and/or postoperative
treatment. Future investigation may answer these clinical questions. It is
known that fibrocartilage forms at the abrasion site. The reparative tissu
e has many of the characteristics of cartilage, but does not have the biome
chanical properties of articular cartilage. The fibrocartilage has shown du
rability for many years confirmed during opportunistic second look arthrosc
opy. The applications of growth factor science or genetic engineering may p
rovide means of converting the regenerative tissue of abrasion arthroplasty
to mature articular cartilage.