Articular cartilage in adults has a poor ability to self-repair after a sub
stantial injury; however, it is not known whether there is a cartilage resu
rfacing technique superior to the existing techniques. It is not satisfacto
ry that at the beginning of the new millennium, there still is a lack of ra
ndomized studies comparing different cartilage repair techniques and there
still is little knowledge of the natural course of a cartilaginous lesion.
To date, various articular cartilage resurfacing techniques have the potent
ial to improve the repair of cartilage defects and reduce the patient's dis
ability. One such cartilage repair technique is autologous chondrocyte tran
splantation combined with a periosteal graft. Since the first patient was o
perated on in 1987, much interest in cartilage repair and cell engineering
has emerged. The experience with autologous chondrocyte transplantation dur
ing the past 13 years with in vitro chondrocyte expansion, cartilage harves
t, and postoperative biopsy technique is discussed, and the latest followup
of 213 consecutive patients in different subgroups with 2 to 10 years foll
owup is presented. The technique gives stable long-term results with a high
percentage of good to excellent results (84%-90%) in patients with differe
nt types of single femoral condyle lesions, whereas patients with other typ
es of lesions have a lower degree of success (mean, 74%).