The LivePaper system augments ordinary pieces of paper with projected infor
mation. Pages, cards and books are placed on an instrumented tabletop to ac
tivate their enhancement. To the user, it appears as if the paper gains new
visual and auditory features, Projected annotations track the orientation
and location of pages as the user moves them on the desktop. A piece of pap
er that is removed, but then returned to the desk, regains the same feature
s that it previously exhibited. The LivePaper system accomplishes this by u
sing features extracted from written material on the page, not from glyphs
or other artificial marks.
The paper describes both. the system as a whole, and a number of sample app
lications we have developed to illustrate the feasibility of the LivePaper
system. These applications include an architectural visualization tool, whi
ch projects a 3D hidden-line rendering of walls onto a page. The user may r
otate and move the page to view the rendering from different angles. Anothe
r application is an audio player, which begins playing when a page (such as
a business card) is laid on the desk. The user may control playback with h
is or her finger via projected buttons. Other applications include page-sha
ring, remote collaboration, and World Wide Web page viewing. From the user'
s perspective, all of these applications are attributes of the particular p
age, not features of the tabletop.
Particular attention is given to the design of interaction: LivePaper is ob
ject-oriented, because the individual sheets are treated as computational u
nits, but it also provides functions that involve several objects. The desi
gn principles applied to handle the different kinds of functionality are ex
plained and illustrated in the LivePaper system, but are also proposed for
wider use in augmented reality. (C) 2001 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights r