A 57-year-old male patient suffered from polyarteritis nodosa. He presented
with articular pain, polyneuropathy, subcutaneous nodules and nodes on the
lower legs. After several immunosuppressive agents (methotrexate, mycophen
olate mofetil and prednisolone) had proven to be ineffective, 2 g intraveno
us immunoglobulin (IVIG) per kilogram body weight were administered within
2 days in combination with 10 mg prednisolone per day. Subsequently, 6 cycl
es of IVIG were applied in increasing intervals from 4 to 6 weeks resulting
in a minimum dosage of 0.33 g/kg/week IVIG. The polyarteritis improved wit
hin a few days after the first IVIG application. The intensity of polyneuro
pathy and arthralgia of polyarteritis decreased during the period of IVIG t
reatment. Finally, a dose reduction of less than 0.25 g/kg/week IVIG result
ed in recurring polyarteritis nodosa, which could not be controlled by furt
her administration of IVIG. Therefore, our data indicate that: (1) IVIG is
partially effective in cases of polyarteritis nodosa, but the therapeutic e
ffect is only transient; (2) the success of treatment may be correlated wit
h the dose of IVIG per body weight and week; (3) the efficacy/cost ratio of
IVIG in polyarteritis nodosa appears to be low. Copyright (C) 2001 S. Karg
er AG, Basel.