A quantitative reverse transcriptase polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) ass
ay for mouse androgen receptor (AR) mRNA was developed to study relative ch
anges in AR gene expression. Serial dilutions of a standard comprising a fr
agment of the ampicillin resistance gene flanked by the primer sequences of
the AR mRNA were added to a constant amount of total RNA for RT-PCR. Prime
rs were designed to generate a 541-bp fragment of mouse AR mRNA (target [T]
) and a 460-bp fragment of the standard (S). PCR products were resolved by
gel electrophoresis and quantitated by densitometry. A standard curve was g
enerated for each sample by plotting the logarithm of T/S products vs the l
ogarithm of the amount of S added. The amount of T was determined from the
standard curve where intensities of PCR products of T and S were equal. The
assay was validated by measuring the relative abundance of AR mRNA in 10 m
ouse tissues, and results were consistent with studies of AR expression in
rat tissues. Assay reproducibility, tested by repeating assays on four diff
erent tissues on different days from the RT step, had a coefficient of vari
ation of 6-16%. The current assay is thus both reproducible and valid in qu
antitation of mouse AR mRNA.